J. William Schopf: Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils

Cikkszám: cradle-of-life
J. William Schopf: Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils
J. William Schopf: Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils
Cikkszám: cradle-of-life
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4 000 Ft
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What if U.S. history began in 1963, and everything that happened before that year was shrouded in mystery? There would be plenty of events to study, but we wouldn't have a complete picture of the country's past. This is the analogy that paleomicrobiologist J. William Schopf uses to describe the long-missing 85 percent of earth's early fossil record (the puzzle of the missing fossils was known as Darwin's Dilemma). Not until the 1960s did paleobiologists using pickaxes and microscopes find evidence that life began much earlier than previously theorized and that microorganisms were the planet's only inhabitants for most of its existence. And Schopf himself discovered the oldest Precambrian fossils known to science in 1993. Why did it take so long to find these critters?

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Princenton University Press